1·Dr deppak: double way means , what type of key?
2·The different land supply way means different land revenue.
3·I am the Way means that I am your ticket to a new destination.
4·We asked our Master what The Way means and this is what She said.
5·But the limited evidence so far shows that being single in no way means you can't lead a fulfilling life.
6·The other way means a bit more of a mess with PHP, but it means we get to keep all our styling in a single CSS document.
7·I do have my own individuality, yet this in no way means that there is not a meeting ground between what I am and what you are... :.
8·He also suggests that this in no way means that the team should start panicking, they should identify what is working well and what is not.
9·Many of you feel that returning responsibility to people in this way means to abandon them or to tell them to solve the issue all by themselves.
10·Many of you feel that returning responsibility to people in this way means to abandon them or to tell them to solve the issue all by themselves.